IEMS Journal of Management Research

Volume: 11 Issue: 2

  • Open Access
  • Original Article


Dr. Prashantha Chittaranjan1, Sohan G. Katagi2

1 Professor, Dept. of Management Studies, SDMCET, Dharwad, India

2 MBA Student, Dept. of Management Studies, SDMCET, Dharwad, India

Year: 2023, Page: 114-122,

Received: Nov. 15, 2023 Accepted: Nov. 26, 2023 Published: Dec. 1, 2023


This research delves into the multifaceted challenges confronting women entrepreneurs, addressing socio-cultural impediments, economic constraints, and the pivotal role of mentorship. In a dynamic entrepreneurial landscape, women navigate distinct obstacles that hinder their success. Employing a comprehensive mixed-methods approach, this study elucidates the profound impact of societal expectations, financial limitations, and the efficacy of mentorship on women's entrepreneurial journeys. The outcomes of this research serve as a foundation for policy recommendations, advocating for tailored support systems that foster a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. By shedding light on these challenges, we aspire to cultivate awareness, instigate positive change, and pave the way for women to thrive in the competitive business realm. This exploration not only highlights the hurdles but also emphasizes the potential for transformative improvements in the entrepreneurial landscape by addressing the unique challenges faced by women.

Keywords: Economic Challenges, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Mentorship, Socio-Cultural Barriers, Women Entrepreneurs.


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