IEMS Journal of Management Research

Volume: 12 Issue: 1

  • Open Access
  • Original Article


Dr. Santosh Bommanavar1, Archana M.D.2

1 Assistant Professor, Institute of Management Studies, Davanagere University, Davanagere

2 Research Scholar, Institute of Management Studies, Davanagere University, Davanagere

Year: 2024, Page: 26-50,

Received: April 30, 2024 Accepted: June 1, 2024 Published: June 5, 2024


Automation and other disruptive technologies are marking the new contemporary realities in new industrial era. Due to this, organisations are demanding the workforce, which is highly resilient, adaptable, cope and respond positively to dynamic and stress giving circumstances and most engaged employees. This resilient ability of employees helps the organisation to recover quickly from setback and overcome the adversity. Even though there are eminent number of literatures are revolving around the employee resilience and employer branding in management discourse. The impact of employee resilience on employer branding has not been thoroughly studied in the earlier study. With this perception, the present research aimed to observe the mediating impact of employee engagement in the relationship between employee resilience and employer branding. This study used the snowball method sampling to survey of 53 IT professionals in Bangalore city. The study hypotheses were experimentally tested using the linear regression approach. Furthermore, the study looked at the mediating role of employee engagement on the connection between employee resilience and employee branding using Preacher and Hayes mediation analyses. The study's substantial relationships between its variables were shown by the results, which also demonstrated how employee resilience affects employee engagement and company branding. The results indicate that the impact of employee resilience on company branding is fully mediated by employee engagement. This study provides organizations with practical advice on how to support employee resilience, which may then be crucial in creating a highly engaged workforce and enhancing the employer brand. 

Keywords: Employer branding, employee engagement, employee resilience, Mediation effect.


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