IEMS Journal of Management Research

Volume: 12 Issue: 1

  • Open Access
  • Original Article


Amit Subramanyam1, Dr. Devaraju2, Dr. Indrajit Doddanavar3

1 Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, India

2 Assistant Professor & Research Guide, Department of Business Administration, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, India

3 Assistant Professor, Jain MBA College, Belagavi, India

Year: 2024, Page: 106-128,

Received: April 30, 2024 Accepted: June 1, 2024 Published: June 5, 2024


Entrepreneurship act as a catalyst for socio-economic progress, yet it is accompanied by enormous challenges that can affect an entrepreneur's overall work-life equilibrium (WLB). Current research delves into the intricate interplay of these factors and explores how entrepreneurial success shall directly and indirectly influences organizational sustainability. In light of the evolving workplace cultures post-pandemic, the study investigates the changing needs of entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of promoting WLB and optimal well-being. Employing a quantitative approach through surveys, 180 entrepreneurs from various industries in North Karnataka participated in the study. The research evaluated the validity and reliability of constructs such as Work-Life Balance (WLB), Organizational Sustainability (OSY), Well-Being (WBG), and Entrepreneurial Success (ESS) using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, specifically the SmartPLS approach. The results exhibited significant validity and reliability, affirming the robustness of the research methodology. The study's analysis revealed substantial correlations among workplace variables, including WBG, WLB, ESS, and OSY. While there was no significant direct impact of WBG on OSY, mediation analysis underscored the pivotal role of ESS and WLB in elucidating this relationship. In particular, WLB's influence on ESS entirely mediated its positive impact on OSY, underscoring the significance of work-life balance in determining entrepreneur satisfaction. Similarly, ESS completely mediated the association between WBG and OSY, emphasizing the importance of employee perspectives in explaining overall outcomes. Additionally, a sequential mediation analysis brought to light the complexity of these interactions by indicating that both WLB and ESS influence OSY. These findings emphasize the imperative for entrepreneurs to prioritize their health and work-life balance to attain sustainable success. Recognizing the shifting dynamics post-epidemic, the paper suggests fostering supportive work environments. This study underscores critical role of work-life balance, individual well-being, and organizational success in achieving sustainable entrepreneurship and contributes to our understanding of the intricate interactions among these factors.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Success, Mediation, Organizational Sustainability, Workplace, Well-Being, Work-Life Balance.


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