IEMS Journal of Management Research

Volume: 10 Issue: 2

  • Open Access
  • Original Article


Sandep Jirgyal 1, Poornima Charantimath 2, Prasad Kulkarni 3, Praveen B. Patil 4

1 Research Scholar, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi

2 Professor Emeritus, IEMS B-School, Hubballi

3 Professor, Presidency B-School, Bengaluru

4 Associate Professor, IEMS B-School, Hubballi

Year: 2022, Page: 25-35,

Received: April 23, 2022 Accepted: Oct. 12, 2022 Published: Oct. 10, 2022


Purpose: This research paper intended to identify the factors influencing branding of family business in India in the technology era. The changing payment system, customer data management, and ecommerce influence on family businesses branding were set as objectives of the study, Methodology: Researchers conducted bibliometric analysis of scopus articles in the domain of technology and family business, branding and family business, and also technology influence on branding family businesses. Further, authors conducted co occurrence and cluster analysis to know the emerging challenges and opportunities in the family business. Brand value and brand rankings of 22 Indian family businesses were analyzed to know the transformation firms had in the digital era. Findings: Indian family businesses are improving their brand valuation in IT, Automobile, retail, banking and FMCG sector. It was also observed that there is a significant improvement in the brand valuation. However, a few traditional family businesses groups did not figure in the prominent brands. Conclusions: Indian top family business houses are rapidly adopting new strategies in branding their firms. However, the family businesses are extending their businesses to limited areas and a few prominent family business houses did not cut into the global brand category. Originality: This paper is not a part of any publication nor in the process of publication. Limitations: The research paper examined the small and medium family owned enterprise strategies from secondary data.

Keywords: family business, brand identity, brand associations, brand valuation, and brand momentum


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Sandep Jirgyal, Poornima Charantimath, Prasad Kulkarni, Praveen B. PatilINFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGY ON FAMILY BUSINESS IN INDIA. 2022; 10(2): 25-35
